Our AFF (Accelerated Freefall) course teaches you all of the knowledge and skills you will need in order to skydive on your own. Knowing what altitude to deploy your parachute, how to pack your own parachute, how to release the reserve in case of an emergency… These are your first steps to be able to skydive solo.


This course consists of a day of ground school (theory) and a minimum of eight skydives.  During your ground school, you will learn all about your equipment, how it operates, safety procedures, how to maintain control in freefall, canopy deployment, canopy flight, and of course, how to land your parachute. Once the ground school is successfully completed, you are ready for your first skydive.

Each of the eight skydives consists of a fixed set of maneuvers that you must complete before you will be able to move on to the next skydive. For the first three skydives, you will be accompanied by two instructors. For the remaining skydives, you will have just one instructor by your side. 

After successfully passing each category of the AFF program, you will be ready to perform your first solo skydive and move on to the Coaching Program in order to obtain your A-License. Once you obtain your A-License, you can then proceed to specialize in various disciplines of the sport.


USPA A-License

  • Go Jump Kenya follows the USPA (United States Parachute Association) cirriculum for obtaining an A-License. This is an internationally recognized certification that, once complete, will allow the holder to jump safely with other skydivers at different dropzones around the world.

    The USPA AFF course curriculum is also the most current and progressive way to learn how to skydive.

    To obtain an A-License, you must have completed a minimum of 25 jumps which are broken down into an accumulation of two programs; the AFF Course and then the Coaching Program.

  • As outlined above, the AFF course consists of a full day of ground theory, a minimum of 8 instructor assisted skydives, followed by the first solo skydive.

    The 8 instructor assisted skydives are broken down into the following categories, each of which have specific objectives that need to be achieved before moving on to the next category.

    • Category A - 2 instructors

    • Category B - 2 instructors

    • Category C1 - 2 instructors

    • Category C2 - 1 Instructor

    • Category D1 - 1 instructor

    • Category D2 - 1 instructor

    • Category E1 - 1 instructor

    • Category E2 - 1 Instructor

    • Category E3 - Fist Solo Skydive

    Once all of the objectives and skydives are completed, the student may then move on to the Coaching program and further work towards their A-License.

  • The Coaching Program consists of a combination of solo skydives and Coached skydives, where students not only build confidence, but learn all of the skills necessary to be able to fly safely with other people in the sky, along with how to pack their own main parachute.

    The Coaching program consists of the following categories:

    • Category F - 2 Coach jumps

    • Category G - 3 Coach jumps

    • Category H - 2 Coach jumps, plus the A-License check dive

    Once the student has met all of the category requirements, has successfully completely 25 skydives, and has completed the A-License written test, the student is awarded an A-License.